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Beverly Hills, California, United States
Eli Kantor is a labor, employment and immigration law attorney. He has been practicing labor, employment and immigration law for more than 36 years. He has been featured in articles about labor, employment and immigration law in the L.A. Times, Business Week.com and Daily Variety. He is a regular columnist for the Daily Journal. Telephone (310)274-8216; eli@elikantorlaw.com. For more information, visit beverlyhillsimmigrationlaw.com and and beverlyhillsemploymentlaw.com


Thursday, December 17, 2015

Top 5 Ways Hillary Clinton Says She Would Address Immigration as President

National Journal
By Alexia Fernandez Campbell
December 15, 2015

Everyone knows what Donald Trump would do about immigration if he became president: Build a wall and close the border, pretty much. Hillary Clinton has now weighed in with her own ideas on the issue.

Dur­ing a speech this week at the Na­tion­al Im­mig­rant In­teg­ra­tion Con­fer­ence in Brook­lyn, Hil­lary Clin­ton out­lined what she would do about im­mig­ra­tion if she be­came pres­id­ent. If she keeps her prom­ises, she would go bey­ond Pres­id­ent Obama’s ac­tions in mak­ing the sys­tem easi­er for both un­doc­u­mented and doc­u­mented im­mig­rants in the United States.

Here are the main takeaways from her speech:

1. Ex­tend Pres­id­ent Obama’s de­port­a­tion re­lief pro­grams, known as DACA and DAPA

“We can’t wait for Con­gress,” she said. “Too many fam­il­ies’ fu­tures hang in the bal­ance.”

Back­ground: The pres­id­ent’s de­port­a­tion-re­lief pro­gram is on hold after a fed­er­al ap­peals court in Louisi­ana up­held a lower court’s block­ing of the pro­gram, which would af­fect 5 mil­lion un­doc­u­mented chil­dren and their par­ents. The Obama ad­min­is­tra­tion is ask­ing the Su­preme Court to re­view the case, and the next pres­id­ent could end the en­tire pro­gram by not ex­tend­ing the ex­ec­ut­ive or­der.

2. Close private im­mig­ra­tion-de­ten­tion cen­ters.

“This is a crit­ic­al gov­ern­ment re­spons­ib­il­ity and we should not be out­sourcing it to any­one else.”

Back­ground: About 62 per­cent of all beds at Amer­ic­an im­mig­ra­tion de­ten­tion cen­ters are now run by for-profit pris­on cor­por­a­tions, ac­cord­ing to U.S. Im­mig­ra­tion and Cus­toms En­force­ment data. That’s an in­crease from 49 per­cent in 2009. Im­mig­rant ad­voc­ates have com­plained that these places are es­sen­tially pris­ons that treat im­mig­rants like con­victed crim­in­als, with sol­it­ary con­fine­ment and no right to leg­al rep­res­ent­a­tion.

3. End fam­ily im­mig­ra­tion de­ten­tion.

“We have good al­tern­at­ives and we should use them.”

Back­ground: Pres­id­ent Obama had closed all but one of the gov­ern­ment’s fam­ily im­mig­ra­tion-de­ten­tion cen­ters, which civil-rights law­yers likened to pris­ons for chil­dren seek­ing refuge and asylum in the United States. But after a wave of chil­dren flee­ing vi­ol­ence in Cent­ral Amer­ica last year, the Home­land Se­cur­ity De­part­ment has opened three more fa­cil­it­ies in New Mex­ico and Texas.

4. Provide a path to cit­izen­ship for un­doc­u­mented im­mig­rants.

“If you work hard, if you love this coun­try, if you con­trib­ute to it, and want noth­ing more than to build a good fu­ture for yourselves and your chil­dren, we should give you a way to come for­ward and be­come a cit­izen.”

Back­ground: Clin­ton sup­ports meas­ures from the 2013 failed Sen­ate bill that would have gran­ted a path to cit­izen­ship for most of the es­tim­ated 11 mil­lion un­doc­u­mented im­mig­rants in the coun­try. Many Re­pub­lic­an law­makers re­fuse to sup­port a path to cit­izen­ship, known as “am­nesty.” Some do sup­port a path­way to some sort of leg­al status.

5. Make it easi­er for leg­al im­mig­rants to be­come Amer­ic­an cit­izens.

“To be able to vote in our elec­tions, to have a voice in our fu­ture, I want to take down the bar­ri­ers that are hold­ing people back.”

Back­ground: It costs leg­al res­id­ents about $700 to ap­ply for U.S. cit­izen­ship, which many have re­por­ted as a bar­ri­er to tak­ing the step. Clin­ton prom­ises to cre­ate more fee waivers so more people can af­ford it. She also said she would in­crease ac­cess to Eng­lish classes to boost their lan­guage skills, and to in­crease out­reach and edu­ca­tion pro­grams that guide people through the nat­ur­al­iz­a­tion pro­cess. There are cur­rently about 8 mil­lion im­mig­rants in the United States who are eli­gible to be­come cit­izens.

For more information, go to:  www.beverlyhillsimmigrationlaw.com

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