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Beverly Hills, California, United States
Eli Kantor is a labor, employment and immigration law attorney. He has been practicing labor, employment and immigration law for more than 36 years. He has been featured in articles about labor, employment and immigration law in the L.A. Times, Business Week.com and Daily Variety. He is a regular columnist for the Daily Journal. Telephone (310)274-8216; eli@elikantorlaw.com. For more information, visit beverlyhillsimmigrationlaw.com and and beverlyhillsemploymentlaw.com


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Trump to visit largest border city opposed to wall

By Julie Watson and Kathleen Ronayne
March 12, 2018

When Donald Trump visits San Diego to examine prototypes of the border wall, the president will be landing in the largest city on the U.S.-Mexico border to formally oppose his plans.

Numerous rallies are planned by groups both for-and-against Trump and his push to build a “big, beautiful wall” separating the two countries. Trump will make his first visit to the city Tuesday since being elected. Protests are also being planned across the border in Tijuana, Mexico.

Organizers on both sides were urging people to remain peaceful after recent scuffles at rallies in Southern California, including brawls at a Dec. 9 rally near where the prototypes stand.

In San Diego on Monday, immigrant activists, church leaders and elected officials held a press conference at the city’s historic Chicano Park to call for demonstrations to show border communities do not support a wall. Standing in front of murals of Mexican revolutionaries, they chanted “We reject your hate! We don’t need your racist wall!”

“It’s really important that as a region, as a city that has firsthand understanding of what the border wall means for our communities that we stand against (this) and we send a strong message to DC to say this is something that we don’t welcome,” City Councilwoman Georgette Gomez said Monday.

Gomez sponsored a resolution passed by the San Diego City Council in 2017 opposing the wall, calling it detrimental to the city’s environment and tourism. It also expressed the city’s intent to divest from the companies involved in the construction, financing and design of the wall.

Republican Mayor Kevin Faulconer did not support the resolution but also did not veto it. The mayor’s office said Faulconer has been clear in his opposition to walls along the border but he did not want to blacklist companies involved in the construction of the prototypes.

“When some people look at the U.S.-Mexico border, they see division,” Faulconer said in his state of the city address in 2017. “But here in San Diego we view it much differently. Rather than allowing the border to divide us, we’re building bridges that connect us.”

Jeff Schwilk, founder of San Diegans for Secure Borders, whose group participated in the rally in December near the prototypes that ended in clashes with counter-protesters, said the city council’s resolution does not reflect the views of many residents, who feel the border is not secure. He said his organization respects free speech and hopes Tuesday’s rally will be safe for participants.

“We absolutely want President Trump to feel welcome and to come inspect the prototypes so we can get the wall built,” he said.

Trump on Tuesday is expected to be briefed on lessons learned from the prototypes’ construction and meet with border agents and officers to ask what they need, said Jonathan Hoffman, Homeland Security spokesman.

The president is determined to fulfill his campaign promise and will not be swayed by California Republican lawmakers concerned the wall is a waste of money, White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters Monday.

“The president campaigned on this, he talked about it extensively and he’s the president and this is something that he is not going to back away from,” she said. “It’s something that he’s going to continue to push for.”

California Gov. Jerry Brown on Monday invited Trump to also visit the state’s high-speed rail construction projects.

“You see, in California we are focusing on bridges, not walls,” Brown, a Democrat, said in a letter sent to Trump.

Trump’s visit comes just days after his Justice Department sued to block California laws designed to protect people living in the U.S. illegally and U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions followed up with a speech in Sacramento that was immediately denounced by Brown, who said the Trump administration was “full of liars.”

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who has sued the Trump administration more than two dozen times within the past year, said he hopes the president will take away lessons about the state’s economic prowess, its strict gun laws and its environmental focus.

And he vowed to keep fighting against efforts to “send us backward.”

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