Chicago Tribune (Article by Naomi Nix): Residents peppered immigration experts Tuesday evening with questions about President Barack Obama's recent announcement that the U.S. would ease rules on the deportation of undocumented immigrants who were brought to this country as young children.
More than 100 people attended an information session at Bartolome de Las Casas Charter School sponsored by the United Neighborhood Organization, a Hispanic advocacy group.
"There is a lot of misinformation … (and) we want to make sure people don't get taken advantage of," said Juan Rangel, the organization's CEO.
Last week, Obama announced a new federal policy that will give undocumented immigrants 30 or younger who came to the U.S. when they were younger than 16 a chance to stay in the country. The policy offers those who are eligible the opportunity to apply for a renewable two-year deferral on their cases and for work authorization
Immigration lawyer Ennedy Rivera said immigrants who meet that criteria will be allowed to apply for an employment certification that would prevent their deportation if they have not been convicted of any felonies or serious misdemeanors and are not considered a national security threat.
"The ... action is going to affect about 1.4 million youth," Rivera said. The immigrant would have to currently be a student, have obtained a GED or have a high school diploma, she said.
Still, there were many questions Rivera said she couldn't answer because federal officials have not yet laid out exactly how the employment certifying process is going to work and what the regulations will say.
Sofia Mendez, a Pilsen parent, wondered what kind of benefits immigrant youths might get as a result of the new measure. For instance, would they get a Social Security number that would enable them to apply for college scholarships? Others wondered if the new identification would allow undocumented immigrants to get a driver's license.
"There is nothing right now saying they are getting a Social Security number," Rivera said in response. "If you don't have a Social Security number, you can't get a driver's license."
Students at the information session were still buzzing about Obama's announcement.
Andrea Labra, 18, who graduated from Maj. Hector P. Garcia M.D. charter high school on Saturday, said Obama's announcement was welcome news.
"I was like: 'Oh my god, my dreams are coming true,'" she said. "It was a wonderful feeling."
Labra, who came to the United States when she was 5 years old, said she considers Chicago her home. She said she plans to attend a two-year college, then transfer to a four-year school, where she might study biology.
"The news we got was the best graduation present anyone could have given us," she said.
The nonprofit is planning more information sessions in Chicago as federal officials continue to clarify the measure. In the meantime, Rangel told the audience to wait for further instructions from qualified immigration experts.
"It's a warning to everyone to take it slow," Rangel said. "Any time there is a change in immigration policy … people get taken advantage of."
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